Wednesday 31 October 2012

2. Magazine Analysis

Cover Page Analysis

Main Image   In this magazine the main image they used is lead vocalist 'Gus Wood' from the rock band Young Guns Has mentioned in bold, big writing positioned over the top. This could be because the band is quite well known and popular this would appeal to fans of theirs. However from the photo they have chosen it could grab anyone who is interested in that genre of music as they have chosen a picture where you can see the vocalists tattoos as it fits with that stereotype. Gus Woods facial expression could also draw the readers attention as his eyes are positioned where your eyes fall on the page giving direct eye contact, and the serious, focused look he is pulling would make the readers curious as to why and would influence them to read the article. 

Header                                                          The header on this magazine shows a few little extras included in the magazine such as the posters making the reader feel as if they're gaining more from buying the magazine. The posters they have selected are of popular bands so the majority of people into this genre of music would most likely want these. The colour they selected to go behind the words is a bright yellow to made it eye catching and contrasts against the red. They also made the 7 a darker bolder colour and made the font size larger, this empathises the idea of there being a large amount of posters inside. 

Masthead   The masthead on this front cover is positioned behind the main pictures head, as it is a well known magazine and can be recognised by its own font. The font they use links with the magazine very well as it rough around the edges and fits with the 'rock' element of the magazine. Another way the masthead links is the actual name itself as its an onomatopoeia, kerrang sounds like the strumming coming from a guitar and therefore has the musical aspect of it.

Layout  The layout for Kerrang magazine tends to be the same for most issues, this makes it more easier and convenient for their regular readers as all the subheadings are usually in the same place. This page is split up into columns this makes it a lot easier to read but still have a fair amount of information on the page without it looking to crammed, they've also used different sized images and  a mixed range of style and size of font which would help grab the readers attention and keep entertained. The majority of the page is taken up by a competition, this stands out. 

Contents Page Analysis

Language  The language used is informal and quite 'chatty', for example at the bottom right hand corner the editors has written two columns just talking to the readers about what to expect. The use of informal language makes it seem more friendly and engages the readers more.

Colour Scheme and Images   The colour scheme for this page is mostly red, yellow and black with a white background. The white background contrasts against the big image on the left hand side this makes it stand out more and makes it the first thing the readers will look at.

1. Magazine Analysis

Cover Page Analysis       

Main Image
For this issue they used an image from Halo 4 which is a new popular game coming out so this will influence their target audience to buy it as they would want to get the most information as they can about the game before it comes out. This particular image they've chosen is very good quality which will grab the readers attention and also implies the game will have really good graphics so the readers might want to read about it more. They made the picture cover the whole front page which magnifies the idea of the 10 page exclusive about the game.     

The masthead '360 Gamer' is positioned behind the main image this implies that the name of the magazine is well known is wouldn't be effected if its slightly hidden, they also always use the same font for it so it could be recognised for that reason alone. The colours they've chosen contrasts against the background which make it stand out. The title they've chosen is very straight forward so the readers know that the magazine is about xbox 360 gaming straight away. 

Contents Page Analysis

Layout   The layout for the contents page in this magazine is spread across two pages this then influences the idea of the magazine being big and packed full with information making the reader feel they've made a good buy. They've split the writing into columns which makes it easy for the reader to read. It is also split into categories and the titles of each category is written in a larger sized font and a bright colour behind it to contrast against the white to make it stand out. For the main stories they've selected relevant images and put the page number in the bottom left hand corner this breaks up the writing more making the page more attractive to look at and draws the readers in.

Double Page Analysis

Layout     The layout of this double page spread has neat boxed images across both pages all different sizes these grab the readers attention. Every picture is relevant to the article and on some there is a sentence or two describing what is happening in the picture. The font used for the descriptions is different to the main font used in the article and also a different size to make it clear to the readers that is it separate information.